A Word from the Director

In February 1966, the 'Ecole d'Ingénieurs des Travaux Publics' (EITP), an Engineering School for Public Works, was created in Algiers-Hussein Dey. It was later renamed the 'Ecole Nationale Des Travaux Publics' (ENTP), the National School of Public Works, through Decree 77-7 of January 23, 1977, and was transferred to Algiers-Dar El Beida. The school was tasked with training state engineers in the field of public works to oversee and manage large-scale infrastructure projects, including highways, airports, bridges, buildings, and dams.
By Executive Decree no. 08-218 of July 14, 2008, the ENTP was transformed into the 'Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Travaux Publics' (ENSTP), the National School of Built and Ground Works Engineering. Finally, by Presidential Decree no. 16 of February 7, 2017, the ENSTP was named after the Moudjahid Francis Jeanson and became the ENSTP FRANCIS JEANSON.
Our school was one of the first higher education institutions in independent Algeria. It is the main supplier of engineers to the construction sector, particularly in the field of public works.
Faithful to its traditions as a school open to modernity, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics d'Alger has consolidated its reputation and enhanced its training product throughout its history. By maintaining close ties with the industry, it has always managed to adapt its programs to technological advances and economic changes.
The school has succeeded in training high-quality engineers thanks to the strong links it has always maintained with the industry, particularly the public works sector, by listening to their concerns. The industry's contribution to the curriculum and the supervision of internships is a key aspect of the school's training.
Our mission is clear: to train engineers capable of designing, building and maintaining the infrastructure that is essential to our society. We are dedicated to providing rigorous, innovative training that keeps pace with technological developments and the contemporary challenges of public works.
Modernising our training courses is one of our objectives. We plan to align our curricula with the current and future requirements of the sector and prepare our students to meet the complex, multi-dimensional challenges of projects. To achieve this, we will be incorporating new technologies such as artificial intelligence, modelling with the introduction of the BIM approach and advanced simulation tools. Our students will be trained in sustainable construction practices and made aware of environmental impact of projects.
To ensure that our graduates are truly competitive in the job market, we are working to strengthen their managerial culture and, consequently, their ability to manage projects.
We also need to work together to develop the resources needed to conduct collaborative research focused on the real needs of the socio-economic sector and taking into account the rapid evolution of technologies.
Through its training programs, applied research, and by providing technical expertise and an innovative vision, the ENSTP FRANCIS JEANSON will play a crucial role in the national economic strategy. The school also intends to leverage its know-how and skills to contribute to Algeria's engagement with Africa.